Welcome to my Travel and Reviews page!

This page is very near and dear to my heart, as this single page was the initial blueprint for an entire project I began working on during my freshman year of college. In 2013, I moved to Chicago to begin my undergraduate studies in Health and Nutrition studies. I initially chose to move to Chicago because I felt I needed a change in scenery, and living in such a large, fast-paced environment sounded incredibly refreshing and exciting. Little did I know, this phenomenal city was home to more than just big buildings and busy streets... It was one of the most vegan friendly cities in America!

Within weeks of moving to the city, I began discovering the plethora of vegan-friendly restaurants all around me. There were even 100% vegan and vegetarian restaurants - something I had never seen in my hometown before! I was ecstatic, and I immediately began taking advantage of this amazing opportunity. Every Friday, I'd return from class, open my laptop and start scrolling through Yelp reviews to find the best vegan-friendly restaurants throughout the city. I'd spend hours searching, and after finally finding one that caught my attention, I'd grab my camera and CTA pass and start exploring!

Each weekend was like a dream - I found restaurants and bakeries selling veganized versions of all my favorite foods, including (but not limited to!) cupcakes, donuts, burgers, pizzas, wings, pancakes, macaroni and cheese, milkshakes, breakfast sandwiches, dumplings.. anything you could imagine, I was able to find! I'd photograph each adventure and share my discoveries on instagram, which then led me to the idea of creating a blog about my vegan food traveling adventures all over the city.

Fast forward one year and I've expanded on that idea, turning my travel blog into a food and health blog featuring recipes, product reviews, and of course - a travel guide filled with restaurant reviews!

As I travel more and more through my twenties, I look forward to showcasing more restaurants than just those in the Windy City. Until then, I hope you'll find these reviews helpful in maneuvering your way around the city in hopes of finding vegan and allergy-friendly foods.

Happy Traveling!

- The Friendly Foodie ♥

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