Welcome to my Health page!

Over the past three years, my interest in health - especially nutrition science - has absolutely EXPLODED from a simple curiosity to a full-blown passion. Nutrition, though not given much emphasis in today's modern medicine, is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health. Without good nutrition, you cannot have good health!

With all the science myths, fad diets, and cure-all "miracles" being spread throughout the internet in our time today, it's hard to distinguish fact from fiction - especially when it seems like everyone is out to make a profit these days.

On this page, I'll be discussing both old and new information present in the health and nutrition communities today, and try to give you the most correct information possible regarding these topics. The world we live in can be incredibly maddening with all this confusion regarding our health and our food - and I'm making it my mission to help ease that confusion through research, discussion, and solid proof!

Is there something specific you'd like me talk about? Let me know in the comments below and I'd be happy to discuss it!

Happy Studying!

- The Friendly Foodie ♥

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